Alphabet Letter Sounds Centers with Real Mouth Photos Initial Beginning Sounds
Engage your students in letter sounds practice with hands-on and Science of Reading aligned alphabet centers. These meaningful literacy centers include real mouth photos to help your students focus on proper mouth formation when working with initial beginning sounds.
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Engage your students in letter sounds practice with hands-on and Science of Reading aligned alphabet centers. These meaningful literacy centers include real mouth photos to help your students focus on proper mouth formation when working with initial beginning sounds.
What’s included in the Letter Sounds Centers with Real Mouth Photos?
- 11 alphabet letter sounds centers
- color + black and white options
- optional worksheets
Take a look at the activities included:
Letter sounds clip cards: Students will clip the picture that begins with the letter sound.
Trace It. Find It: Students will practice letter formation by tracing letters. Then, they will find the pictures that begin with the letter sound and cover them.
Letter Sound Clip Arounds: Students will clip or cover the pictures that begin with the letter sound.
Letter Sound Strips: Students will clip or cover the pictures that begin with the letter sound.
Magnet Match: Students will match magnetic letters to the cards.
Sound Sorting Mats: Students can sort pictures by beginning sound.
Search and Find: Students will cover the pictures that begin with the letter sound.
Pocket Dice Roll and Color: Students will roll a letter sound and color a picture that begins with that letter.
Yes or No Cards: Students will say the picture name and identify whether it begins with the letter sound.
Sound Sorting Worksheets: Students will cut out pictures and sort them by beginning sound.
Find and Color Worksheets: Students will color the letters that match the target letter. Then, they will say each picture and color it.