February Pocket Chart Kindergarten Centers Games Winter Math & Literacy Centers
Pocket chart centers and games are an amazing way to bring meaningful FUN into the classroom! The February pocket chart activities include a variety of hands-on math and literacy centers for Kindergarten or Pre-K. Whole group pocket chart games with fun poems allow you to practice and review skills throughout the day.
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Pocket chart centers and games are an amazing way to bring meaningful FUN into the classroom! The February pocket chart activities include a variety of hands-on math and literacy centers for Kindergarten or Pre-K. Whole group pocket chart games with fun poems allow you to practice and review skills throughout the day.
⭐️WAIT! Save BIG when you get this in the Pocket Charts Games and Centers bundle.
February themes include: Valentines Day, Groundhogs, Dental health
February Pocket Chart Activities include:
- 7 pocket chart literacy centers
- 7 pocket chart math centers
- 1 alphabet letters pocket chart game
- 2 hide and seek pocket chart gamesSkills covered:
- Alphabet letters recognition
- Beginning Sounds
- Vowel sounds
- CVC words
- Digraphs
- Matching same sounds
- Matching ending sounds
- Making sentences with a subject and predicate
- Number sense with numbers to 10, 20, or 30
- Addition to 10
- 2D shapes
- 3D shapes
- Number order
- Ten frames
- EDITABLE sight words or names
Take a closer look at what’s included:
♥Math and Literacy Centers: 14 hands-on Kindergarten math and literacy centers are included each month. While these were designed for use with pocket charts, they could also be used on their own or with photo boxes.
♥Kindergarten skills will grow and increase in difficulty throughout the year.
♥Optional worksheets are included for each center.
♥Both color and black and white versions included.
♥Alphabet Letters Pocket Chart Game: A pocket chart game is included each month to review letters and letter sounds. You will say the poem together. Students will pick a letter and say its name or sound. Later in the year, this game will also include word building and decoding.
♥Hide and Seek Pocket Chart Games: For these pocket chart games, you will hide the small picture behind one of the cards. Students will choose a card that the picture may be hiding behind.
♥Covers a variety of skills including letters, numbers, shapes, and words.
♥EDITABLE cards are included for sight words and names.
What can I use the pocket chart centers for?
- Literacy centers
- Math centers
- Morning tubs
- Early finisher activities
What can I use the pocket chart games for?
- Phonics and math warm up activities
- Morning meeting games
- Time filler games
Email me at [email protected].
Copyright © Natalie Lynn Kindergarten
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.