May Math and Literacy Centers for 1st Grade Differentiated Centers
These May differentiated math and literacy centers are perfect for the centers in first grade! Each May math and literacy center is differentiated for below, on level, and above level students, so while there are five literacy centers, 1 editable sight word center, and five math centers included, it’s like you’re getting so much more. If you’ve every wondered how to meet the needs of all of your students during centers, this is it!
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These May differentiated math and literacy centers are perfect for the centers in first grade! Each May math and literacy center is differentiated for below, on level, and above level students, so while there are five literacy centers, 1 editable sight word center, and five math centers included, it’s like you’re getting so much more. If you’ve every wondered how to meet the needs of all of your students during centers, this is it!
Each May center has visual instructions for all three levels to promote independence. Each task is set up in a similar way, only the numbers or task change, so students will feel like they are completing the same center.
May Literacy Centers included:
Birdhouse Sorts
- Short Vowels
- a, a_e, ai, ay
- e, ee, ea
- Diphthongs au, aw, oi, oy
Word Work Match Up
- Digaphs
- R-controlled vowels
- Multisyllable words
Pull and Color
- CVCe words
- Vowel Teams ai, ay, ee, ea
- Vowel Teams ie, igh, ui, ue
Grammar Clip Cards
- Compound words
- Plural endings s or es
- Silent letters wr, kn, mb, gn
Busy bee pairs
- Nouns, verbs, and adjectives
- Homophones
- Contractions
Sight Word Cover by Code – EDITABLE
May Math Centers included:
Buzzy Equations
- Subtraction to 18
- Mixed addition and subtraction
- 2-digit subtraction no regrouping
Comparing Numbers
- Comparing numbers to 50
- Comparing numbers to 100
- Comparing numbers to 1000
Tweet Problems
- Addition to 18
- Adding tens to a double-digit numbers
- Double-digit subtraction no regrouping
Butterfly Numbers
- Number order to 100
- Fact families
- Fact families with missing numbers
Spring and Color
- Equal and unequal parts
- Halves, thirds, fourths
- Fractions