November Math Centers for 1st Grade | Differentiated Centers
These fall themed math centers are perfect for the November centers in first grade! Each November math center is differentiated for below, on level, and above level students, so while there are six math centers included, it’s like you’re getting so much more. If you’ve every wondered how to meet the needs of all of your students during centers, this is it!
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These fall themed math centers are perfect for the November centers in first grade! Each November math center is differentiated for below, on level, and above level students, so while there are six math centers included, it’s like you’re getting so much more. If you’ve every wondered how to meet the needs of all of your students during centers, this is it!
Each November center has visual instructions for all three levels to promote independence. Each task is set up in a similar way, only the numbers or task change, so students will feel like they are completing the same center.
November Math Centers included:
Add and Subtract
- Subtraction to 10
- Add and Subtract within 12
- Add and Subtract 10 from 2-digit numbers
I Know Doubles
- Domino Count
- Domino Doubles and Doubles +1
- Doubles and Doubles +1
Fall Addition
- Addition to 10
- Missing Addends
- Balancing Equations
Number Sense
- Number order to 20
- Number order to 50
- Fact families
Telling Time
- Time to the hour
- Time to the hour and half hour
- Time to the quarter hour
BONUS Measurement Center
- Ordering by height
- Nonstandard measurement
- Measuring with a ruler