Solar Eclipse Activities Listen and Laugh® Listening + Following Directions
Your students will LOVE this fun twist on listening and following directions. Solar Eclipse Listen and Laugh gives your students practice listening and following step by step directions in a way that is fun and engaging for them. They won’t even realizing that they’re learning!
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Your students will LOVE this fun twist on listening and following directions. Solar Eclipse Listen and Laugh gives your students practice listening and following step by step directions in a way that is fun and engaging for them. They won’t even realizing that they’re learning!
Love these? Check out the Listen and Laugh for the Year Bundle!
How does it work? The teacher will read the step-by-step directions aloud. Students will listen and follow the directions to color and finish the picture.
What makes it Listen and LAUGH? Mixed in with the regular directions are SILLY directions designed to make your students think, laugh, and move!
What’s included in this download?
- Teacher directions
- Solar Eclipse Listen and Laugh listening practice activities
What are the benefits of Listen and Laugh?
- Practice active listening
- Practice following directions step-by step
- Target fine motor skills
- Build oral language
- It’s no prep for you!
What will Leap Year Listen and Laugh look like in your classroom? You will grab the included teacher instructions and give each student a Listen and Laugh worksheet. You will read the direction steps one at a time as students listen. They will follow the directions as you go.
How many directions are included in each activity? Each Listen and Laugh activity includes 10-12 step-by-step directions. The last direction is always to finish coloring the picture.
What if the directions are too much for my students? Because the directions are completely oral, you can shorten or change the directions as you see fit!
Copyright © Natalie Lynn Kindergarten
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.