In this blog post: Grab a set of 5 differentiated spring Science of Reading literacy centers that are perfect for Pre-k, Kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade centers.
It is finally starting to feel like spring in Michigan. The weather has warmed up, the birds are chirping, and spring fever has hit… HARD!
This is the point of the year when we are just in classroom survival mode, so I thought having your spring literacy centers already planned out for you might make it just a little bit easier.
These spring Science of Reading literacy centers are not only hands on and engaging, but they also are going to make differentiation easy for you. Win-win!
In a rush? Download the centers here, or keep reading to find out more about each activity.

Do you love free stuff?
Spring Science of Reading Literacy Centers
Grab a set of 5 spring-themed literacy centers with 8 skills each – for a total of 40 centers!
What are SOR literacy centers?
I know, I know, I cover this in every blog post. But it’s important that you know: You do not NEED specific Science of Reading aligned literacy centers.
As you make the switch to SOR aligned practices, you might start seeing the “Science of Reading” label everywhere and feel like you need to throw out all of the old to make room for the new.
You don’t! The truth is, most of the literacy centers you’ve used in the past will still work today. Just make sure that they review skills you’ve already taught and you’re good to go.
So what are the benefits of these SOR aligned literacy centers?
You might be saying, “But wait, Natalie. You just said we don’t need specific Science of Reading literacy centers, but these are called SOR?”
The reason I call my literacy centers Science of Reading aligned is because they are already differentiated for you and they follow the same scope and sequence as my Science of Reading Guided Curriculum.
That means, if you don’t already have centers that you use and love (or you just want to toss these in too), you can rest easy because they:
- Are controlled and only ask students to use previously taught phonics skills.
- Follow an effective scope and sequence that aligns to what you’re teaching.
- Are differentiated so students can complete the same center but with different skills.
If you use my Science of Reading Literacy Centers, these follow the same scope and sequence so you can easily mix them in no matter where students are.
spring science of reading literacy centers
These spring Science of Reading literacy centers follow the same sequence as my Science of Reading Literacy Centers Bundle. That means that you can plus them in to the current pack you are using.
Each centers includes 8 skills:
- Alphabet and beginning sounds
- CVC words
- Digraphs
- Beginning blends
- CVCe words
- Ending blends
- R-controlled vowels
- Vowel teams
- Diphthongs
Here is a closer look at the 5 free spring Science of Reading literacy centers included in this free download.
Clip Strips
I decided to switch things up this month from the usual clip cards! Clip cards are always a class favorite because students love to use clothespins to clip their answers (and I love the fine motor work it give thems).

Clip strips act exactly the same, but the uniqueness of the strips just makes this center feel new again.
Spin and Cover Words
For this spring literacy center, students will spin a picture. Then, they will find and cover the honeycomb with the word that matches.

This center can be used as an individual student literacy center, or as a Bump game. Just give each partner two different colored cubes. They will take turns spinning a picture and then placing their color counter on a word. If the other player is on that spot, they can bump them off – unless that player has stacked two cubes on top of each other, locking their piece into place.
Search and Find
Search and Find is another center that I like to include whenever possible. It’s simple and predictable for students to use independently, but it’s easy to change up by switching out the manipulatives.

My favorite manipulatives to use with this center include: magnetic chips and wands, cubes, mini erasers, or playdough to smash on the answers.
Read the Room
Read and Write the Room takes regular write the room and elevates it to the next level. Instead of searching the room for words to write, students are finding sentences to read and comprehend.

Students will search the room for the cards and read the sentences. Then, they will circle or color the picture on their sheet that matches.
Read and Write the Room is a fun way to get students up and moving, but still learning!
Color by Code
For this free spring Science of Reading literacy center, just add crayons or dot markers. Students will choose three colors to create a code. Then, they will color or dab the words to match.

This center uses lookalike words. That means that students will be required to look closely at each word and reading all of the way through it before coloring it.
Grab your free spring literacy centers!
Reading to add these free spring Science of Reading literacy centers to your teacher tool kit? Grab them below:

Do you love free stuff?
Spring Science of Reading Literacy Centers
Grab a set of 5 spring-themed literacy centers with 8 skills each – for a total of 40 centers!
TIP: Make sure that you use a personal email address to send those centers to. School districts often block our freebie emails because they contain outside downloads.
Want more Science of Reading aligned literacy centers that you can use anytime of the year? Grab the SOR centers bundle for over 80% off right now and get over 200+ centers ready to print and go!
Looking for more FREE thematic Science of Reading literacy centers? Check these out:
- Apple themed Science of Reading literacy centers
- Winter themed Science of Reading literacy centers
- Dental health themed Science of reading literacy centers
Ready to learn more about the Science of Reading? Check out these blog posts:
Thank you! This is fantastic!