I don’t know about you, but I am constantly on the lookout for easy number sense activities that won’t cost me a lot of time or money.
Luckily, this number sense game is both free and easy to pull out whenever you need a quick practice throughout the year! We play a version of this Where’s The Bear? game just about every month because it’s so darn easy!

Right now we’re playing with numbers to 10. Pretty soon, we’ll break out our numbers to 20 number lines!

For this game, students play as partners. One player will close their eyes as the other player covers a number up with the bear. Player one will then open their eyes and guess what number the bear is covering. They will take turns covering up numbers.
This number sense activity is great because students get to practice identifying what numbers come before and after.

If the game gets too easy as they’re playing, I will give partners more bears to cover the numbers with.
You can grab the number lines and the instructions to play this game in my TpT store here.

Of course, eventually we will be ready to move beyond numbers to 20. Later in the year, we will break out these hundreds charts!
The format of the game will remain the same – one player covers a number and the other play guess what number is covered.
You can grab the free hundreds chart and instructions in my TpT store here.
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