One of the best ways to make Kindergarten math a little more engaging is to make whole group math games a part of your lessons. I love adding in jumbo dice when we play our whole group math games because it just adds a little something extra!
You can use jumbo dice or inflatable dice the same way you would use regular dice in your Kindergarten math lessons, but they have two benefits:
- They are easier for your entire group to see no matter where they are sitting
- They just make every Kindergarten math game more fun!
You can play these four Kindergarten whole group math games throughout the year as a regular part of your math lessons!
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Roll, Compare, and SMASH!
This kindergarten whole group math game is a fan favorite as we are working on comparing numbers. Really, is there anything kids love more than knocking things down?
To play this comparing numbers math game, you will need:
- Inflatable dice
- Cups
- Optional: dry erase boards and markers

To play this Kindergarten math game:
Student one will roll the die. They will build a cup tower with that many cups. My cups have faces because it was October and they were “ghosts”.
Students two will roll the dice. They will build a cup tower with that many cups.
The student with the larger tower gets to knock them both down! If they are equal, both students get to knock down the towers together.
This game is a BLAST for students! If you want, you can also place a dry erase board in between and have students draw the correct math sign for comparing the two numbers.
You can play this game with larger numbers by using a jumbo foam numbers to 10 die, numbers to 12 die, or a numbers to 20 die.
Roll and Count On
Roll and count on is another whole group math game that my Kindergarteners LOVE! For this game you will need:
- Jumbo dice
- Chart paper with spaces to count on (you can swap this with 3 dry erase boards if needed)

To play this math game:
One student will roll the jumbo dice. As a group, start at the number you roll and then count on.
If you use laminated chart paper, you can write the numbers as you count on. You can also swap the chart paper for dry erase boards.
This is another game that you can make more challenging by using foam jumbo dice with larger numbers (hint: you can make this swap with all of these games!).
Roll and Add
Once your Kindergarten students are secure in number sense and are ready to begin basic addition, roll and add is the perfect whole group math game! The way you play will change depending on if you are adding with counters or mentally.
To play this Kindergarten math game, you will need:
- Jumbo dice
- Chart paper with two circles and an addition sign in between
- Counters OR two dry erase boards
- Dry erase board and marker for the sum

To play this whole group math game, a student will roll the jumbo dice and place that many counters in the first circle.
They will repeat and place that many counters in the second circle.
As a group, add the counters together and then write the sum on the dry erase board.
I always give students a few moments to solve the problem before we write the answer. Once they have the sum, they let me know by putting their finger on their nose. Then I choose one student to tell us the answer and write the sum.
If your students are ready to add mentally, place dry erase boards where the circles are.
They will roll the dice and then write the number instead of putting put that many counters. An easy change to make this whole group math game new again!
Before and After
We play this whole group math game when practicing number order. It’s a fun way to let my students practice thinking about what comes before and after mentally!
To play, you will need:
- Jumbo dice
- An anchor chart with spots for before and after OR two dry erase boards

To play this game, a student will roll the dice. Then, we will identify what numbers come before and after. It’s that simple!
I know what you’re thinking. How is this a game…? Well, honestly, if you add jumbo dice to pretty much any activity, it becomes a game for kids! They love it and it takes little effort on your part!
These 4 whole group math games are favorites of my Kindergarten class. They are easy to prep and a quick way to boost the engagement in any Kindergarten math lesson!
If you’re looking for a engaging math lessons for the entire year, you will LOVE my Kindergarten math curriculum! This curriculum is packed full of hands on, developmentally-appropriate math lessons for Kindergarten.
Find the Kindergarten math curriculum HERE.
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Thank you for these very clever and useful math lessons. I own a ton of dice.