I don’t know about you, but last week was 110% chaos in my classroom! For some reason, beginning of the year behaviors were starting to sneak back in and we were having trouble listening and following directions.
That’s why I decided to do this polar bear directed drawing on Thursday. Of course, it went with our polar bear unit, but it also was a great way to practice those listening skills in a fun way! My principal even showed up for a surprise walkthrough during this activity and said he was impressed with how engaged the class was – they didn’t even notice he was there until the end!

Quick tip: To get and keep students’ attention when you need to give the next direction, give silly directions that require them to look at you. Example: Put your crayon like me (touch your nose with it). Do what i’m doing (pat your head). I promise, it’s magic for when you need them to focus on you!

You can can use these visual directions to help you lead the directed drawing or you can put it in your writing center as a guide for students writing about polar bears!
Grab the visual directions HERE.
I hope your students love this polar bear directed drawing! It’s the perfect addition to any polar bear unit!