I love using directed drawings in the classroom because they practice so many important skills – from listening and following directions to fine motor control. This tooth fairy directed drawing was the perfect companion to our dental health week activities!

I was a little worried that this one would be too difficult for kindergarten, but they turned out so good and unique!

When we do directed drawings, I draw my version on the board as students follow along at their seats. If you had a document camera, you could draw it on paper instead.

We start by drawing the directed drawing with black crayon. You could have students draw with a pencil and then trace, but I thought that would be too much for my students.

Then, I let my students color the tooth fairy any realistic colors that they wanted (no green skin). The only color direction I gave was for the background.

I had students use yellow and blue to color the background. It’s your choice if you have them do this, but I like that each picture is unique but has the background to unify them.

They turned out so good! You can grab the free visual directions below. You can also find a polar bear directed drawing here and a penguin directed drawing here.

After we’re done, I place the visual directions in our writing center. It pairs perfectly with our dental health writing center!

>>Grab the tooth fairy directed drawing here!<<

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