In this blog post: Looking for February read alouds? Check out this compilation of 70+ February read alouds that are perfect for your elementary students!
If you didn’t already know this about me, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I love read alouds. In fact, I’m constantly stocking up on new picture books to grow my read aloud collection. After all, there’s no such thing as too many books, and the more read aloud books, the merrier!
Whether you complete an interactive read aloud or a daily read aloud, taking the time to read fluently and allow your students to listen is vital as elementary students progress on their literacy journey. Plus, read alouds also help students build vocabulary and comprehension, which are necessary as well. No matter how you use them, I highly recommend incorporating read aloud time within your classroom! I promise you won’t regret it!
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This post includes a lengthy list of my top book recommendations relating to some very important topics such as Black History Month and diversity, along with dental health, groundhogs, kindness, Lunar New Year, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, and the 100th day of school.
All of these topics are perfect for adding to your lesson plans this February and you’ll be amazed at how engaged your students are. Let’s take a look at them below!
The Best Black History Month Read Alouds
During January and February, we begin our Black History Month research project on Black heroes and how they affected our world. There are so many valuable Black history picture books out there, and these are just a few that we love.
You’ll Love These Books!

Saving the Day: Garrett Morgan’s Life-Changing Invention of the Traffic Signal
A boy with a head full of ideas grows up to create several things we use today!
Carter Reads the Newspaper: The Story of Carter G. Woodson, Founder of Black History Month
A tale of the power of literacy and how a man helps his people learn more about their history.
Mae Among the Stars
Mae dreams of being an astronaut and makes her dreams come true!
I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr.’s infamous speech was set against the backdrop of an audio recording and beautiful images.
Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.’s speeches are presented in an easy-to-understand way.
I Am Jackie Robinson
Comic-book-style photos add a childlike element to this biography of the first major league African American baseball player in American history.
I Am Rosa Parks
Back with more comic-book-style pictures, students are able to more easily learn about who Rosa Parks was.
Saving the Day: Garrett Morgan’s Life-Changing Invention of the Traffic Signal
Despite growing up among discrimination, Garrett Morgan moves forward with his life and invents and produces several items that we use today such as the traffic signal and gas mask.
Carter Reads the Newspaper: The Story of Carter G. Woodson, Founder of Black History Month
Carter grows up reading the newspaper to several people around him who can’t read, but what happens when they ask Carter to learn more about their history? Follow along as Carter begins to uncover more about black history which eventually makes a major impact on the country as a whole.
As a child, Mae dreamed of going to space. Between her parents’ encouragement and her own intelligence and determination, Mae becomes the first African American to visit space.
I Have a Dream
Teach students about Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic speech using small chunks of text and beautiful illustrations that will make them feel like they were there on that historic day.

Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. had many important things to share with the country. This book captures them in a simple way that helps students understand the impact that he made.
I Am Jackie Robinson
Including a timeline of facts, childhood facts, and photographs, this book is a perfect beginner’s lesson on who Jackie Robinson was and the things that he encountered as he became the first African American major league baseball player.
I Am Rosa Parks
The text features in this story will give students a full-picture account of who Rosa Parks was and the ways in which she helped stand up for what was right.
The Best Diversity Picture Books
During February as we learn about kindness and March as we head into Reading Month, it’s the perfect time to really focus on diversity and what makes us all special. I love these diverse read alouds because they go beyond just skin color, and get students really thinking about what makes us unique.
You’ll Love These Books!

Skin Like Mine
Celebrate diversity by celebrating skin tones in all colors.
I Am Enough
An uplifting story that reminds us all that we are enough just as we are.
Do You Speak FIsh?
A unique spin on understanding that people speak different languages.
More Than Peach
Peach isn’t the only “skin color” crayon. Bellen is out to help others see that.
That’s Not My Name!
Having a different name can be isolating or it can help you see how special you are.
Shades of People
Photographs help students see the beauty of all colors of skin.
The Colors of Us
Lena decides to paint a self-portrait and begins to realize that there are several shades of brown out there.
To celebrate the many beautiful skin tones of those around us, this book compares skin color to yummy foods that we all love to enjoy!
A book celebrating all of our similarities and differences and how they make us unique.
When a boy realizes he can’t communicate with a fish, he soon realizes that instead of having the fish learn to speak “boy,” he must instead learn to speak “fish.” A cute take on different languages and working to understand those who are different from us.
Follow Bellen’s story as she went from hearing her classmates call the peach crayon “the-skin-color” crayon to helping Crayola create packs of crayons that include skin colors that are much more than just peach.
That’s Not My Name!
When Mirha’s new classmates mispronounce her name, she begins to wonder if she should change her name altogether. After some encouragement from Mama, Mirha returns to school eager to help her classmates learn how to pronounce her name correctly.
The beautiful photographs in various locations give students the opportunity to recognize the differences and celebrate similarities with the kids in the pictures.
Ready to paint a self-portrait, Lena soon realizes that there are many shades of brown all around her. How will she capture the color of her skin correctly?
The Best Dental Health Read Alouds
Don’t forget that February is also Dental Health Month! There is just something about learning about teeth that grabs students attention every time. Add in this free tooth fairy directed drawing activity to extend the learning and work on listening, following directions, and fine motor skills.
You’ll Love These Books!

Pout-Pout Fish Goes to the Dentist
Pout-Pout fish feels nervous about going to the dentist.
Cavities vs. Toothpaste
A funny take on why brushing your teeth is important.
Daniel Goes to the Dentist
Daniel goes to the dentist for the first time but feels a lot more comfortable when the dentist explains to him what will happen next.
Just Going to the Dentist
Little Critter is getting a dental checkup which includes x-rays, teeth cleaning, and finding a cavity.
All About Teeth
We have many different types of teeth in our mouths that have different jobs. Learn more about them!
The Tooth Book: A Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums
From brushing teeth to going to the dentist, learn how to keep strong, healthy teeth and gums.
Let’s Meet a Dentist
Kids follow a dentist to learn more about the equipment she uses and the patients she treats.
Pout-Pout Fish Goes to the Dentist
Pout-Pout fish is nervous about visiting the dentist. What if he isn’t able to help Pout-Pout Fish smile? Readers learn more about what to expect at the dentist as they follow along on Pout-Pout fish’s visit.
Cavities vs. Toothpaste
Want a funny book for reminding students about the importance of brushing? Students will laugh out loud as they learn more about cavities, bacteria, and how to brush well to keep both far away.
Daniel Goes to the Dentist
Going to the dentist for the first time can feel scary! Thankfully Dr. Plat tells Daniel step by step what will happen next. Maybe trying something new isn’t so bad after all.
Just Going to the Dentist
Have students who are worried about going to the dentist? Reading about Little Critter’s trip which includes x-rays, teeth cleaning, and finding a cavity will ease students’ worries in no time.

Do you love free stuff?
Dental Health SOR Literacy Centers
Grab 6 free dental health themed Science of Reading literacy centers differentiated for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade!
Why We Go to the Dentist
To keep healthy teeth we should be brushing, flossing, and going to the dentist. But why do we need to? Students learn how in this book while also uncovering what a visit to the dentist looks like.
All About Teeth
We all know that we have a mouth full of teeth, but did you know that our teeth serve different purposes? Students learn about the different shapes of teeth, what they do, and what we can do to make sure they stay healthy.
The Tooth Book: A Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums
Are your students wondering about going to the dentist or losing their first tooth? This book answers all teeth-related questions to help ease students’ worries.
Let’s Meet a Dentist
Students “meet” a dentist and learn more about her day-to-day responsibilities and tasks as a dentist.
The Best Groundhog Day Read Alouds
I feel like February is so packed full of holidays that Groundhog Day is one of those that can be easy to overlook. But students absolutely LOVE reading and learning about that furry little helper!
You’ll Love These Books!

The Night Before Groundhog Day
A fun, rhyming tale teaches students about what to expect on Groundhog Day.
Substitute Groundhog
Can someone else fill in for groundhog if he’s sick on Groundhog Day?
Groundhog Day!
When did Groundhog Day begin and can a groundhog predict the weather? Read to learn more about this strange holiday.
Grumpy Groundhog
A story about trying to convince the groundhog to end his hibernation and let spring begin.
Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow
Groundhog Phil and his shadow just can’t seem to get along.
Groundhug Day
Groundhog is invited to a Valentine’s Day party. Will he show up, signaling the start of spring?
The Night Before Groundhog Day
The countdown to Groundhog Day is on as people wait to see if winter will continue or if spring will arrive early. Students who aren’t familiar with Groundhog day will enjoy learning more about it using this informative tale.
Substitute Groundhog
Groundhog is feeling under the weather, so he hosts tryouts for a fill-in groundhog. Sadly, none of his animal friends seem to be the right pick. Will groundhog find a substitute or will they have to cancel this year’s Groundhog Day?
Groundhog Day!
This informational take on Groundhog Day unpacks why the holiday is celebrated, whether a groundhog can predict the weather, and fun facts about groundhogs themselves.

Grumpy Groundhog
Everyone wants the groundhog to come out of his den, but the groundhog isn’t interested. His bed is cozy and that’s all that matters to him. Hopefully, the townspeople can help him change his mind quickly.
Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow
Lately, Phil and his shadow do everything differently, which leads to them parting ways. This funny story helps students see the value of friendship as Phil and his shadow work to find their way back to each other.
Groundhug Day
Groundhog’s friends invite him over for a Valentine’s Day party. Desperate for him to attend, they work together to come up with a plan to coax him out of his den.
The Best Kindness Read Alouds
With February being the month of love, this is also the perfect month to discuss kindness. Any of these books would lead perfectly into a Kindness campaign!
You’ll Love These Books!

Enemy Pie
A boy and his dad serve up enemy pie for a nearby enemy. Will the boys end up becoming friends or stay enemies?
I Walk with Vanessa
Readers learn how one simple act of kindness can snowball and create a movement for a whole community to be more kind to others.
Be Kind
What if we were all a little more kind? This book teaches what kind is and then shows some big and small examples of being kind to those around us.
How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Be Kind?
Follow along as even the dinosaurs learn to be kind.
What Does it Mean to Be Kind?
Learn more about how to be kind, and then how each kind act has the ability to spread and reach others in the community.
It’s Brave to Be Kind
Students learn ways that they can be kind to others.
Enemy Pie
Enemy pie is served by a father and son in this silly tale. As the enemies start to spend more time together, they may just end up liking each other after all.
I Walk with Vanessa
After seeing Vanessa treated badly, a classmate decides to walk with her each day. The community is impressed and learns a thing or two about kindness themselves. Told only through pictures, students will be able to discuss what they see happening in the illustrations.
Be Kind
From helping a classmate clean a stain off her dress to asking the new kid to play to standing up for someone who is being bullied, there are several ways that our students can be kind to others.
How Do Dinosaurs Learn to Be Kind?
Another hit from the “How Do Dinosaurs…” series. This one also includes silly rhymes to tell examples and non-examples of how dinosaurs show kindness.
What Does It Means to Be Kind?
Sharing powerful examples of being kind to others, this book helps open up the conversation of how to be kind in even the smallest of ways.
It’s Brave to Be Kind
Including fun activities and examples of how to be kind, this book follows Alex who decides to be kind to the new kid despite the fact that everyone else is being mean. A good lesson for all students to hear.
The Best Lunar New Year Books
Depending on the year, Lunar New Year will happen in either January or February. Either way, these picture books are one of the best ways to learn about the holiday and traditions.
You’ll Love These Books!

Chloe’s Lunar New Year
Chloe and her family prepare for the Lunar New Year.
Playing with Lanterns
For Zhao Di and her friends, paper lanterns are one of the best parts of Lunar New Year.
Ruby’s Chinese New Year
Ruby has a little extra help to deliver a Chinese New Year card to her grandmother.
Lunar New Year (Celebrate the World)
Students learn the amazing traditions of Lunar New Year.
Bringing in the New Year
A Chinese American family prepares for Lunar New Year.
Dragon Dance
A family prepares for the New Year.Chloe’s Lunar New Year
Chloe and her family prepare by buying new shoes, putting out a bowl of oranges, decorating the red envelope, and making a yummy cake. Chloe is excited about all of it, but ultimately is the most excited about spending time with her family.
Playing with Lanterns
Each year, Zhao Di and her friends carry their paper lanterns lit with a candle carefully throughout the streets for several days. The tradition is not only fun, but it also helps to light up their nighttime village as they prepare for the Lunar New Year.
Ruby’s Chinese New Year
Ruby needs to get a Chinese New Year card to grandma, but who can help her get it there? Ruby meets all twelve of the Zodiac animals on her way to grandma’s house. Follow along as Ruby receives a little extra help on her journey.
Lunar New Year (Celebrate the World)
From setting off fireworks, lighting lanterns, dancing with dragons, and spending time with friends and family, this book helps students understand the traditions celebrated during Lunar New Year through beautiful illustrations.
Bringing in the New Year
A Chinese American family begins preparing for the new year by making dumplings, decorating, and sweeping out the dust of the old year. After, they prepare for a traditional New Year parade which includes a dragon, lanterns, and more.
Dragon Dance
Shopping for flowers, eating a big meal, receiving red envelopes, and attending the Lunar parade are on this family’s list for celebrating the New Year. Tag along as they celebrate by participating in many traditions.
The Best Valentine’s Day Picture Books
What is it about Valentine’s Day that makes it rank right up there with Halloween for our students? Is it the candy? The gifts? Either way, your students will LOVE these Valentine’s Day picture books! Follow it up with these free Valentine’s Day crafts or this free How to Make a Valentine writing activity.
You’ll Love These Books!

Love, Escargot
Escargot attends an unexpected Valentine’s Day party.
Bad Kitty Does NOT Like Valentine’s Day
Bad Kitty considers giving others valentines but isn’t sure how.
The Biggest Valentine Ever
Teamwork can be hard, but it’s better than working all alone.
Turkey’s Valentine’s Surprise
Turkey puts on a disguise to deliver a valentine.
Tiny T. Rex and the Perfect Valentine
Tiny attempts to make a valentine for his best friend.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose!
The Old Lady swallows a few things she needs to make a gift for her valentine.
Franklin’s Valentines
Franklin loses his valentines and worries he won’t receive any because of it.
Valentine’s Day Jitters
A Valentine’s Party turns into a mess, or does it?
The Day it Rained Hearts
Raining hearts are perfect to use as valentines.
Love, Escargot
Escargot is excited to attend a Snallentine’s party but once he arrives he realizes it’s actually a Volentine’s party. Although Escargot wants to head home, he sticks around and ends up making a new friend.
Bad Kitty Does NOT Like Valentine’s Day
Bad Kitty hates Valentine’s Day because she’s never received a valentine before. Then it hits her that maybe she should be giving valentines if she would like to receive one. She gives it a try with the encouragement of a friend.
The Biggest Valentine Ever
Clayton and Desmond decide to make their teacher the biggest Valentine ever, but unfortunately, they begin arguing and rip the Valentine in half. After deciding to work on their own, they end up realizing working together was better.

Turkey’s Valentine’s Surprise
Turkey dresses up as a cat to try to deliver a valentine to his friends, but they end up seeing through his disguise. Even though he’s been found out, he still has tricks up his sleeve.
Tiny T. Rex and the Perfect Valentine
Tiny decides to make a valentine for his best friend Pointy, but as it turns out, it’s not so easy. Tiny sticks with it and ends up realizing that he had what he needed all along.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose!
This time the Old Lady has swallowed the things she needs to make a Valentine’s gift. Can she put it all together to create a special gift?
Franklin’s Valentines
Franklin is excited to give his friends their valentines, but when he realizes they’re missing, he begins to worry. Franklin soon learns that friendship isn’t conditional.
Valentine’s Day Jitters
Mrs. Hartwell wants to throw an amazing Valentine’s party for her students, but nothing seems to be going right. Just when she feels like she’s failed, her students pull through and show her just how amazing of a job she did.
The Day it Rained Hearts
When it rains hearts, Cornelia begins to collect them. She soon realizes how beautiful and unique each heart is and decides she can use them as valentines for her animal friends.
The Best Presidents’ Day Read Alouds
Do you celebrate Presidents’ Day in the classroom? These read alouds are the perfect way to learn more about the job, how an election works, and past presidents. You can follow it up with this free If I Was President writing activity.
You’ll Love These Books!

If I Ran for President
Children wonder what it would be like to be president.
Presidents’ Day
A class learns about Presidents’ Day by putting on a play.
Amelia Bedelia’s First Vote
Young Amelia Bedelia becomes principal for the day.
Grace for President
Grace runs for class president.
My Teacher for President
Oliver decides his teacher would be the perfect president.
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace visits Washington and learns more about how the branches of the government function.
I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference
A child-friendly introduction to voting.
President Taft is Stuck in the Tub
A president stuck in the bath? How will they get him out?
Abraham Lincoln
A nonfiction account of Abraham Lincoln’s life.
Abe Lincoln’s Hat
A biographical picture book including lesser-known facts about Abraham Lincoln.
Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment
Parker visits a museum and finds the inspiration she’s been looking for.
If I Ran for President
Kids imagine what it would be like to see their faces everywhere, study the nation’s issues, choose someone to run with them, and wait to see if they will be the president.
Presidents’ Day
A class works together to put on a Presidents’ Day parade to help them learn more about who the presidents were. Afterward, they vote on who their class president should be.
Amelia Bedelia’s First Vote
Amelia Bedelia is chosen as principal for the day. She and her classmates vote to decide what fun activities they will get into. Amelia Bedelia and her friends learn more about voting and how easily things can get mixed up.
Grace for President
After learning that a woman has never been president of the United States, Grace decides to run for class president. When a classmate vows that he’s the best man for the job, Grace makes it her mission to be the best person for the job.
My Teacher for President
Oliver’s teacher is the perfect candidate for president. After all, she goes to a lot of meetings, finds jobs for people, is always followed around, and loves making peace. Plus, she loves white houses. Oliver believes she’s the perfect fit.
Grace Goes to Washington
Grace and the student council are struggling to agree. After a class trip to Washington, they learn more about the three branches of government and realize they must find ways to serve the needs of their classmates even when they disagree.
I Voted: Making a Choice Makes a Difference
From deciding which fruit is better, voting for a class pet, and then eventually, voting for a president, this story helps students understand the basics of voting and why it matters so much.
President Taft is Stuck in the Bath
When President Taft gets stuck in the bathtub, the staff must figure out how to get him out! Including funny solutions, students will enjoy this silly tale of a former president.
Abraham Lincoln
This National Geographic reader teaches students about Abraham Lincoln’s life, the decision to abolish slavery, and more.
Abe Lincoln’s Hat
Abe Lincoln had a hard time remembering things, so he created a few systems to help keep him on track! Fun facts such as this and others are included in this biographical picture book.
Parker Looks Up: An Extraordinary Moment
Parker trudges through a museum with her family, not really paying attention to anything, that is until she comes across a portrait of Michelle Obama. Parker is captivated and a photographer captures that moment. The rest is history.
The Best 100th Day of School Picture Books
Is your 100th day of school in January or February? Whenever we celebrate, I like to fill our day with these fun 100th day read alouds in between the free 100th day of school activities featured in this blog post.
You’ll Love These Books!

Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten
Miss Bindergarten makes the 100th Day of school extra special.
The Night Before the 100th Day of School
A student comes up with a surprise for the 100th day of school.
Rocket’s 100th Day of School
Rocket hides 100 things for school but a squirrel soon finds them.
100th Day Worries
Can Jessica come up with 100 of something to bring to school?
Miss Mingo and the 100th Day of School
The animals in Miss Mingo’s class celebrate the 100th day.
Jake’s 100th Day of School
What happens when Jake forgets his 100 item collection for the 100th day?Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten
As Miss Bindergarten’s students prepare their projects at home for the 100th day, Miss Bindergarten too prepares some things too – special surprises!
The Night Before the 100th Day of School
After spending all evening trying to come up with 100 of something to bring in, one student comes up with a surprise! This book is full of laughs for your students.
Rocket’s 100th Day of School
Rocket hides 100 acorns for school in the perfect place, but when Bella the squirrel finds them, Rocket may not have any left to bring to school!
100th Day Worries
Jessica can think of several things to bring to school for the 100th day, but they’re too stinky, too silly, or just downright wrong. On the 99th day, Jessica realizes that the perfect idea was right in front of her the whole time.
Miss Mingo and the 100th Day of School
Miss Mingo’s animal class presents several fun activities to celebrate the 100th day of school. Students will learn fun animal facts as they watch the animals complete these tasks that tell us a lot more about them.
Jake’s 100th Day of School
Jake forgets his 100 picture memory book at home. Thankfully, Jake has an idea and his principal is on board to let him share it on the 101st day of school.
Ready, Set, 100th Day!
Minna and her parents search the house for good ideas for the 100th day of school, but Minna doesn’t like any of them. Then a BIG idea hits her and she finds just what she was looking for!
I hope your students LOVE these February read alouds!
Find more read alouds your students will love here:
- The Ultimate List of Holidays Around the World Books
- Teachers’ Favorite Picture Books for February
- Presidents’ Day Books
- 11 Earth Day Books Your Class Will Love
Find FREE centers and activities for February here: