If your kindergarten or 1st grade students are anything like mine, they LOVE to learn about anything icky or slimy! That means that earthworms are right up their alley. We spent this week learning all about these wiggly creatures. You can too, with these FREE earthworm activities!

We read all about earthworms. We learned about how they are different from insects, their unique bodies, and how earthworms are helpful to plants and humans! Then, we completed several different earthworm activities to show what we learned!
Writing About Earthworms Activities

We made an anchor chart all about what earthworms can, have, and are. My students filled out their own mini-versions to help them with their earthworm writing and craft later!
Parts of a Worm Labeling

My students LOVE labeling! We learned that earthworms do not have eyes or ears, but they can still sense light and sound vibrations! My students thought that was amazing!
Life Cycle Earthworm Activities

One of the big areas we focus on in kindergarten science is life cycles!

We read all about the life cycle of worms.

Then my students sequenced the steps of the life cycle using this worksheet.
Earthworm Craft

We finished our mini-unit with this fun craft and writing activity to show off all that they’d learned! I had my students cut strips of green paper to make grass, tear a strip of brown paper for the dirt, draw and cut out the worm, and then write a fact or two at the top! They loved it!
You can get these fun, hands-on earthworm activities for FREE too! Just sign up for our email list below!
Dear Natalie, thank you for sharing your wonderful creative ideas with us. I love your products

And all your sharing
This is AWESOME!!!! Thank YOU soooooooo MUCH!!!!
You’re welcome, Sarah!
Hi there,
I have subscribed to your awesome sight and did receive the ‘earthworm activities’ at my email address. Sadly, before I could download and save it, a furry friend decided to delete your email. I have tried subscribing again to receive the ‘earthworm activities’ download but have been unsuccessful.
Can I please have the information sent to my email address again as I need the information for next week?
Cheers …… Annette
Hi Annette, First check your trash in your email because you should be able to click the button again and redownload it. If it doesn’t work, send me an email at natalielynnkindergarten@gmail.com
Thank you for providing this great lesson – perfect for my K-2 group. They loved it!
i would love a copy
The plug in to download it stopped working, but I believe it is working again! You should be able to sign up and download it now.
I have a lesson tomorrow about earthworms this lesson would be really great can’t figure out how to download or buy it.
Hi! Just enter your email in the bottom form. You will get an email that says “confirm your subscription.” Once you hit confirm in that email, the unit will automatically download
I would love to use these great worm activities. Thank you!
It should be working now! At the bottom of the post is a place to enter your email and have the unit sent straight to you. It was down for maintenance.
Looks so fun!
Hello; I have entered my email twice and it still is not showing up.
Hi! Make sure you’re not using a district email and check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, you can email me.
These worm activities are great. Thanks.
I never received the email with the worm activities.
Looking forward to this resource as a part of our Excellent Earthworms worm bin presentation!
Thank you! These are great!
Thank you this is awesome!
thank you for sharing this with teachers
im completing a lesson on earthworms tomorrow and I would love a copy of these. I still haven’t received an email to subscribe. How would I be able to get a copy
Hi! First, check your spam folder. Next, make sure that you are using a personal gmail account and not a school district account. Last, if you are on a phone or tablet, try using a desktop. If all else fails, send me an email.
My kids will love getting their hands dirty playing with worms! thank you
I love it!